The proof is in the pudding, or so they say. I actually believe that the proof is in the pictures and I think that you may agree with me after you examine them for yourself.
Exhibit 1:

In this photograph we see the lovely Wo-MAN Ciara posing for the camera. Now I looked for an Adam's apple and could not find one, but take a look at the facial structure. Look Closer. If I took away the hair and makeup from this photo I believe that you, at first glance, would think that this was a man playing dress up.
Exhibit 2.

Here the wo-MAN looks cute in her half-shirt but still there is something about that face that makes me wanna scream "MAN" and then run and hide under the covers.
Exhibit 3.

Here she looks a little more wo-MAN-ly but still I am not convinced. The AA boobs don't help matters much.
Exhibit 4.

At first glance I would say she looks like a definite woman in this photograph. She looks lovely in the top 2/3rds of the photo, but then I see the tummy and it automatically brings images of a prison cell mate who wants me to follow his happy trail to never-never-secret-land. Then I noticed the way her shoulders look. I want you to find a picture of an actual woman who has shoulders like that....SHEESH.
Exhibit 5.

I don't know what to say about this one! It's a nice picture and there is nothing that screams MAN about it. The face still kinda bothers me though.
piU fucked up, i see nothing that resembles a man and i by that matter, it's stupid to judge by appearance. I don't think that you know what it is to have a conscious mind. Look at where you are and where she is. she is blessed and you are stuck criticizing a woman that has millions while you have your 100 dolla computer typing all these unnecessary inputs.
She/he has the body of a man for sure...her/his face is convincing enough to look womanly but still very boxy for a woman
Yall goes sum hatarz...... DAMN yall jus hate 2 see somebody making up dere!!!!! DAMN HOEZ let ciara live her life!!!!!!!!!!!
Well she already said that she is a hermaphrodite so let it be its the damn truth ok. yall who dont want to believe but its life. so all yall just live yall life and get on wit yours and be blessed like she is.
she doesn't have hips, you forgot that one :D
dis is sum bogus shyt jo...first of all if a gurl looks like a man a lil bit its natural cus its in our name wo MAN or do u think everbody suppose to have hips and big ass thighs and big ass titties...its not all about that. Dat gurl Is wateva she wanna be...she a female and if she had a dick or not it shudnt make ppl feel like dey have to comment on everything she does and how she looks...and nun was wrong wit her sholders, dnt be mad cus she be hittin da gym. lol but wateva jo if u got sumthin else to say to me get at me.
this is so stupid --'
specially the comment about her shoulders.. there are tons of women who have shoulders like that .. look at the women who are professional athletes ..
seriously .. get a life.
You're stupid. It's called a BOYISH FIGURE idiot. Get your facts straight before you go around labelling people incorrectly. Whoever says that "she said she was a hermaphrodite" is on crack. She's a girl for goodness sakes, and her body type is not uncommon. Ignorant fools like you should be banned from the Internet.
i don't know what 2 say. my 13 year old son thinks she's sexy. oh and i think a jealous gay male started this rumor. lol
Let's not make up things if we have nothing to say.I don't think that ciara she is hermaphrodite
Wtf u damn fools! Get a fuckin life!
(Oh i forgot... yu can't get a damn life cuz ur life is to criticize others cuz u can't get a body & the dough she gets!!!)
Fuckin' haters -___-
Umm wow.. I guess its fair to say whether she's a "she" or a "he".... she still lives her life and still makes that money that we all wish we had and definately not ashamed about it.. u can hate on others success or u can stop complaining and go find urself sum success. People tend to critisize on sumthn missing in their own life, so what does that say about who we are? Go out there in this shitty world and try to be the change u wish to see in this world.. becus sittn on line dogging on ciara is not getting u anywhere in life and clearly she is too damn successful to give a shit what any of y'all have to say.
Bitch so the fuck what she don't have to have hips to be a fuckin woman most of these Hoes don't got no fuckin hips but the still suckin and fuckin out here for five cent and SHE is a WOMAN!!!!! Stupid ass hoes get the fuck off her cooch and let her live her fuckin life dumb ass haterz ain't got nothin better to do wit y'all live but mess eit bitches that ain't low like y'all , y'all fuck wit bitches that got more shit to do and things to better themselves wit y'all need to hop off this whole ciara shot if she is a man/she that's her buisness not any of yalll hatin ass broads buisnesses and who ever got a problem y'all better handle it cuz its not ciaras
Where exactly did she say she was a hermaphrodite ? " On Oprah ! " .. The typical response .. Buy Im sure that it would interest you to know that she was never on Oprah . Case closed .
Well look up the story on james etta hermaphrodite!
Bitch stop hatin just because u ain't got da looks don't mean dat she gotta stop lookin good for u... Bet, meet up with mustard and CATCH UP with her
This shit be Hella stupid. That GIRL don't look anything like a man at all. obviously you people need your eyes checked. And if she's supposedly a man than how is she pregnant. obviously it is not physically possible for a man to get pregnant. There was a miracle one time but honestly when does that ever happen. her shoulders don't look broud. Bitches need to stop tripping. Most of you all is just jealous that you are not nearly as pretty and rich as she is. Get off the bullshit and stop worrying about everyone elses life you immature fools. You all be annoying as fuck.
Yall say she muscular but look at serina and venus williams, they are muscular too!! And las time i checked she got a phat booty!!!
Okay, honestly, this whole thing is all off of someone's opinion. There is no actual evidence. She may have manly features but that does not mean she is a man. I would like to see actual facts and evidence. Thank you very much.
She is not a man. Haters these days.
All of yall please learn how to spell before you say anything good or bad about Ciara. I mean seriously, even if you have to use spell check, do something because simple 3rd grade words shouldn't be so hard to get right.. My wife and I are having more fun making fun of you
illiterate fucks than reading if Ciara is a man or a woman!
All of yall please learn how to spell before you say anything good or bad about Ciara. I mean seriously, even if you have to use spell check, do something because simple 3rd grade words shouldn't be so hard to get right.. My wife and I are having more fun making fun of you
illiterate fucks than reading if Ciara is a man or a woman!
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